8 Things I Wish Other Moms Would’ve Told Me
There’s just so much no one talks about when it comes to preparing yourself to be a mom. Some of that is because we were designed to forget. We remember the good more than we remember the bad. It’s instinctual. It keeps us going and doing it all over again. It’s why everyone likes to say, “you’re going to miss it.” But they forget.
The Perfect Holiday Getaway
Anxiety is all about will – it’s the thing that happens to us when we believe that we can, and then we can’t, control the future.
When I Grow Up
But here’s the truth: I am a lot smarter than I let on. And I am not saying that for an ego boost or to prove something to you. Those who know me personally probably characterize me as self-deprecating, possibly a little ditzy, so this comment probably seems uncharacteristic.
Lessons in Anxiety
Who knew that my most pivotal parenting moments would happen from my knees instead of towering above the little people I’ve birthed? How humbling. And how reassuring. Everything I’ve been through, especially the really hard things, I will probably use to not only relate to others but to help others.